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    Why should one hire technology-based solutions endowed with professionals

    Learn the reason why it is crucial to hire proper professionals to carry out technologic services in your company.

    Investing in technology-based solutions is not breaking news anymore: this is now a current practice, seen as a matter of survival for the vast majority of business managers, regardless of the company’s size. Whether the goal is to develop an app, a website, a web store or a system outlined in a customised way, an investment in technology is indeed a reality for many of them.

    The profile of the Brazilian consumer kept changing over the last couple of years, with an ever-growing preference for having internet access on smartphones, as well as for online purchases. Such scenario has been forcing businesses to reinvent themselves, launching products and services which take into consideration the needs and expectations of those who use this sort of online service.

    In today’s article, we will unfurl a bit more information about the main technology solutions for businesses and why it is crucial to hire professionals who are able to carry out services which actually demand an integration with the digital realm. Have a good reading!

    4 ways to embrace technology in your business

    Here is the answer to this question: it actually depends on your businesses. Nonetheless, we cannot sweep under the rug the fact that investing in technology-based solutions is now a trend in most companies, regardless of the field in which they are operating.

    If, in the past, technological tools were developed by solely having major corporations in their mind, those that were able to deploy big financial resources in solutions which could foster their production even more, the growing popularity of technologies and its devices took that news to the doorstep of small businesses.

    As we speak, there are tonnes of technology-based solutions available in the market, which can fit any budget and specific need of every company. Be acquainted with some right now.

    1. Creating an App

    Creating an app is indeed one of the most popular methods in which companies rely on to create an innovative communication channel to establish a relationship with their customers, thus increasing their engagement and retention. This cannot be dissociated from the fact that 168 million smartphones are currently being actively used in Brazil (221 million in 2020) and that these devices have become the internet’s main entrance door in the whole country.

    Among the main upsides of creating an app, there is the possibility of endowing your business with a “full-time” trait, as your products or services will be available to be visited and purchased 24 hours per day.

    Another positive aspect is having the opportunity to access data collected from your customers, which streamlines the planning of future sales and the mapping of those who consume your products.

    We can also emphasise the establishment of a closer relationship with customers, increasing the value of your brand and the engagement of those people with your products.

    1. Outlining a website with the company profile


    In the current digital era, your company’s website works as if it was a business card, in other words, it is responsible for introducing your services to customers who access it. Thus, investing in the development of a website is something rather important, one that is focused on the product thaat you are selling.

    By doing that, you can take one of two paths: you can purchase premade templates (which you can check on other sites around the internet) or you can develop a customised website, exclusive of yours.


    1. Providing products in a virtual store

    The market’s forecast indicates a 15% growth in the e-commerce this year already – something that almost doubles the increase registered last year. In a scenario of economic crisis, this growth in online sales reinforces the irreversible trend in this niche market. After all, Brazilians no longer fear buying online.

    Choosing to develop a successful e-commerce platform on your company’s website must take into account a couple of stages: planning (relying on the study of competitors, which also consider the business’s sustainability); the development of an e-commerce platform attending your company’s needs; the offering of several means of payment; the investment in information security, among others.

    1. Investing in a customised system

    There is another method to include technology in your company’s reality, which is to adopt a customised management system. Based on a software outlined by taking into account your business’s needs, you can then go after solutions which address specific problems of your company. An example of such is tracking the activities of each sector in real time, using a software that is installed on your computer.

    A customised solution allows a much better use of technology, relying on the mapping of your needs and of the problems which need to be solved.

    3 benefits of hiring technology-based solutions with professionals

    1. Customer service based on your company’s needs

    The main concern of a professional technology-based solution is to properly serve its customers, in a customised manner. Thus, one needs to have a thorough knowledge of the customer’s business, mapping his needs and developing a solution that matches the results that he is expecting to achieve.

    The option to purchase technology-based standard solutions may increase the limitations of the ideal characteristics for your company.

    1. Expert IT Support

    Hiring a professional technology-based service, supported by a third-party company with proper expertise in this subject, is something that not only allows a differentiated process when a product is being purchased (as this will guide you towards the best solution for your business). Another upside is relying on a support service throughout its use.

    By having that, and since the company has already mapped the needs and is acquainted with the sort of business you have, it will able to provide you with a better return in order to solve any problems or questions which may surface during the process.

    1. A responsible delivery

    The other upside is that it will ensure that the service will be delivered based on what was agreed at the moment of the purchase. In order to save money, many companies hire the services of freelancers and, by doing so, they can struggle a bit when it is time to fulfil the delivery and the terms previously agreed.

    Now that you are a bit more advised about technology-based solutions, which may revolutionise your business, what about following all the sector’s news? To do this, you just need to subscribe to our newsletter. Until next time!

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