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    We do believe that our solutions should address “real problems” and our number one goal is improving our clients’ results; based on that, we take action in specific areas.

    Mobile Apps

    We develop hybrid apps for the major mobile platforms: Apple, Android and Windows Phone.

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    We create stunning virtual stores based on our exclusive platform, 100% integrated with mobile and ERP solutions.

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    We develop customized systems whose goal is to suit the management needs of each client in a unique way.

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    Integration between payment systems, electronic invoice, risk analysis and logistics are just some examples of what our team carries out every day.

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    The code is part of our name and DNA, you can rely on our team when it comes to programming.

    Analysis and project

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    Information Architecture

    By documenting your project beforehand, you can anticipate results and have a complete insight before its development.

    Responsive Design

    Mobility is something serious for us, thus our projects are always outlined by being initially focused on mobile devices.

    Total customization

    Flexible and absolutely customizable systems, since we do believe that your business is unique.

    APIs and Web services

    The system integration is taken seriously, by being focused on speed, reliability and safety.


    We are by your side at any given moment, whether to clarify a simple question or to deploy a brand new project.


    We deploy the best market practices in order to ensure that your site is always found.

    Means of payment

    You can sell on the internet by relying on the most renowned means of payment, in a safe manner.

    • Analysis

      The first step is to understand their need and define the project, with a detailed description.

    • Architecture and Design

      Understood the project we will create the interface of screens and features of your system.

    • Development

      It’s the code hour using the most modern tools and frameworks on the market we’ve developed your application.

    • Launch and maintenance

      After delivery you have the full support of our team for the success of your application.

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    How To Make a Business Grow With 6 Sure Tips

    July 27, 2017
    As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you should probably be thinking about how to make a business grow everyday right? However, keep in mind that even though we are indeed facing a period of uncertainty, you should not should “attach” yourself to this factor when it comes to your results. The important thing to underline in this situation is the aspects related to your business’s management and organisation. In other words, your focus should be geared towards the improvement of processes, not to mention the importance of staying up to date and constantly knowledgeable. Wherever the case is, we have outlined this article with 6 tips that will certainly help you grow your company. Check them out! Have a long-term view In order to foster the growth of any given company, it’s crucial that you “set up” strategies by giving emphasis to a long-term view. And why is that so important? Well, you have to understand that, bottom line, this perspective has essentially to do with seeing the future beforehand, imagining what it could be like. Therefore, this ability that we have to see things ahead is what allows us to act in pursuit of an already established vision. Nonetheless, it’s also obvious that short-term goals should also be delineated, but the ideal situation is that these have a connection with what you want at the end of the road. Imagine that each one your actions in the present moment are similar to a piece of a jigsaw, and that your long-term view is the jigsaw already completed. Simplifying this even more, please understand that putting our focus solely on short-term achievements is the same as coupling random pieces together, which in the end do not resemble anything that could be read as a drawing. Build an in-house team Another point that should take into consideration in order to nurture any company’s growth, and one that deserves to be mentioned, is the importance of building an in-house team. Before anything else, understand that most organisations that occupy a top position have an excellent internal team. Therefore, try to assemble your own team, making it accountable for the most important tasks, from management to the execution of key tasks. In this sense, avoid an excessive outsourcing or immediate solutions. Even though outsourcing may represent the best option when dealing with some situations, the idea here is to have a good team by your side, one that will help you make the best decisions overall, since each of its “members” would be focused on growth – at least, that’s what we can expect from them. Deploy a policy geared towards progress and dedicated to the improvement of processes as a whole. Explore your qualities and work on your struggles In order for a company to grow and increase your chances of success, it’s crucial that you explore your assets and work on your struggles. There’s not a single secret in here, you just need to focus yourself on your biggest skills and

    What is growth hacking?

    June 22, 2017
    One of thе current buzzwоrdѕ bеіng flоаtеd оut of Sіlісоn Vаllеу is ‘Grоwth Hacking‘. Bу аррlуіng growth hacking рrіnсіраlѕ tо whоlеѕаlіng ѕtrаtеgу and mаrkеtіng еffоrtѕ іnvеѕtоrѕ can explode thеіr buѕіnеѕѕеѕ and see thеіr deal volume ѕwеll fаѕt. Grоwth hасkіng іѕn’t thе best term, but it describes a nеw рrосеѕѕ fоr acquiring аnd engaging uѕеrѕ соmbіnіng traditional marketing аnd analytical ѕkіllѕ wіth рrоduсt development ѕkіllѕ. In the past, mаrkеtіng аnd product dеvеlорmеnt dераrtmеntѕ wеrе often аt оddѕ where mаrkеtіng grоuрѕ would bе spending ѕіgnіfісаnt аmоuntѕ оf mоnеу to acquire uѕеrѕ but couldn’t get аnу dеvеlорmеnt rеѕоurсеѕ to buіld ѕоmеthіng аѕ simple as nеw сuѕtоm lаndіng раgеѕ. And оn the other ѕіdе, product dеvеlорmеnt teams would оftеn buіld what they thіnk uѕеrѕ wаnt аnd wіll аttrасt uѕеrѕ without dеерlу mеаѕurіng аnd undеrѕtаndіng thе іmрасt оf thеіr сhаngеѕ. Thіѕ concept оf “grоwth hасkіng” is a recognition that whеn уоu focus on undеrѕtаndіng уоur uѕеrѕ аnd how thеу dіѕсоvеr and adopt уоur products, уоu саn buіld fеаturеѕ thаt hеlр уоu acquire аnd rеtаіn more uѕеrѕ, rаthеr thаn juѕt spending mаrkеtіng dоllаrѕ. Although “hacking” саn соmе wіth a bаd rерutаtіоn, thіѕ term dоеѕn’t nесеѕѕаrіlу rеfеr tо ѕоmеоnе sitting аt a computer wrіtіng code. And it dеfіnіtеlу dоеѕn’t mеаn uѕіng ѕhаdу marketing tactics. Thе fосuѕ оf grоwth hacking іѕ tо grоw a user base for a рrоduсt аnd retain this bаѕе uѕіng сrеаtіvе, unсоnvеntіоnаl methods. Thе advent оf grоwth hасkіng is entirely drіvеn bу thе ѕurgе оf thе Internet and thе nаturе оf Intеrnеt products. People іntеrасt with рrоduсtѕ оnlіnе dіffеrеntlу thаn thеу do іn реrѕоn—lіkе рurсhаѕіng ѕhоеѕ оn thе ‘net vеrѕuѕ аt a physical ѕhор. Grоwth hackers аrе аblе to undеrѕtаnd this behavior аnd uѕе іt tо thеіr аdvаntаgе. It’ѕ аll аbоut using a рrоduсt іn a wау thаt fuels іntеrеѕt аnd drives traffic. Suссеѕѕful grоwth hасkіng mеаnѕ fосuѕіng оn сеrtаіn aspects of a buѕіnеѕѕ. Thеrе are thrее рhаѕеѕ of the grоwth hacking funnеl: Gеt Vіѕіtоrѕ The fіrѕt step, and the largest part of thе funnel, is tо gеt реорlе to vіѕіt your wеbѕіtе оr app. At this stage, thеу’rе just сhесkіng оut whаt you’re оffеrіng, but haven’t соmmіttеd tо уоu yet. Thеу mіght be lооkіng аrоund for thе best рrоduсt, rеѕеаrсhіng рrісеѕ, visiting соmреtіtоrѕ. Aсtіvаtе Members Nеxt, you need tо tаkе these vіѕіtоrѕ аnd “activate” thеm. This іѕ a testament tо hоw wеll visitors аrе соnvеrtеd іntо customers оr even fоllоwеrѕ. Thіѕ can mеаn mаkіng a рurсhаѕе, ѕubѕсrіbіng tо a mailing lіѕt, or bесоmіng a mеmbеr оf уоur site. Retain Users Fіnаllу, уоu muѕt retain mеmbеrѕ аnd turn thеm іntо long-term uѕеrѕ. Thіѕ іѕ thе ultіmаtе gоаl of grоwth hacking. Rеtаіnеd users аrе mоrе likely to еngаgе wіth a brand over tіmе, share with frіеndѕ, and continue to uѕе a product. Fоr ѕuссеѕѕful growth hасkіng, еvеrу piece оf thіѕ funnel muѕt bе thеrе. Eасh ѕtер іѕ аѕ іmроrtаnt as the others. Wіthоut vіѕіtоrѕ, you саn’t hаvе асtіvаtеd members. Wіthоut асtіvаtеd members, you can’t hоре tо rеtаіn uѕеrѕ. Thеу all work together. Thе tеrm grоwth

    Why should one hire technology-based solutions endowed with professionals

    May 29, 2017
    Investing in technology-based solutions is not breaking news anymore: this is now a current practice, seen as a matter of survival for the vast majority of business managers, regardless of the company’s size. Whether the goal is to develop an app, a website, a web store or a system outlined in a customised way, an investment in technology is indeed a reality for many of them. The profile of the Brazilian consumer kept changing over the last couple of years, with an ever-growing preference for having internet access on smartphones, as well as for online purchases. Such scenario has been forcing businesses to reinvent themselves, launching products and services which take into consideration the needs and expectations of those who use this sort of online service. In today’s article, we will unfurl a bit more information about the main technology solutions for businesses and why it is crucial to hire professionals who are able to carry out services which actually demand an integration with the digital realm. Have a good reading! 4 ways to embrace technology in your business Here is the answer to this question: it actually depends on your businesses. Nonetheless, we cannot sweep under the rug the fact that investing in technology-based solutions is now a trend in most companies, regardless of the field in which they are operating. If, in the past, technological tools were developed by solely having major corporations in their mind, those that were able to deploy big financial resources in solutions which could foster their production even more, the growing popularity of technologies and its devices took that news to the doorstep of small businesses. As we speak, there are tonnes of technology-based solutions available in the market, which can fit any budget and specific need of every company. Be acquainted with some right now. Creating an App Creating an app is indeed one of the most popular methods in which companies rely on to create an innovative communication channel to establish a relationship with their customers, thus increasing their engagement and retention. This cannot be dissociated from the fact that 168 million smartphones are currently being actively used in Brazil (221 million in 2020) and that these devices have become the internet’s main entrance door in the whole country. Among the main upsides of creating an app, there is the possibility of endowing your business with a “full-time” trait, as your products or services will be available to be visited and purchased 24 hours per day. Another positive aspect is having the opportunity to access data collected from your customers, which streamlines the planning of future sales and the mapping of those who consume your products. We can also emphasise the establishment of a closer relationship with customers, increasing the value of your brand and the engagement of those people with your products. Outlining a website with the company profile   In the current digital era, your company’s website works as if it was a business card, in other words, it is

    Hybrid x native apps, what are the differences and when should one opt for them?

    May 24, 2017
    A wide number of customers get in touch with our team, presenting their doubts about the mobile world, without actually knowing what solution represents a better fit for their business, and our answer is always the following: it depends. Yes, because, depending on the moment that your company is facing, and also on the goals you want to achieve, there is a technology capable of suiting your need. What are hybrid apps? Hybrid apps are based on web technologies such as HTML, Javascript and CSS, which try to simulate the interfaces of the Android, iOS and Windows systems and, by the end of their development, they can be compiled relying on web views and published in the AppStore and Google Play. What are the upsides of hybrid apps? There are several of them, which include the following: Price: The cost of developing hybrid apps is significantly lower than the one associated with a native development. Agility: Since the code is based on Web technology, and entirely shared between the platforms, the development time tends to be quite low as well. Visual flexibility: The interfaces which are conceived by relying on web technologies actually provide a greater flexibility when it comes to implementing customised interfaces. Test-friendly: As it is based on web technology, the app can easily be tested, even in a web browser which streamlines the whole changing cycle procedure. What are the downsides of hybrid apps? Above all, the speed of interfaces built on HTML needs to be emphasised, as it has the tendency to be slower than the interfaces natively conceived, what can represent a hassle for apps whose goal is to provide a speedy offline navigation or the usage of OS interfaces. What are native apps? Native applications are based on the native technologies of each platform, Swift or Objective C for iOS, and Java for Android, relying only on the standard interfaces of each operative system. What are the upsides of native apps? They are mainly related to the interface speed, which, by using native components, provide a much more enjoyable experience to the user. What are the downsides of hybrid apps? The main downside is the price, since the code is not actually shared between platforms, this prompts the need for two developing teams working with different technologies, which virtually doubles the development cost. When should one use each of these solutions? We always recommend to assess what are the app goals and define the current moment of the company. For apps which will have a short life cycle or for start-ups that are just testing the market in an initial stage, the hybrid technology will harvest the best results overall when taking into account the cost-benefit ratio, however, if the app is going to be developed for an already established business, focused on a demanding audience, using the native technology is a valid option. That’s about it, hopefully I was able to make this subject a bit clearer, if you need any help, then get in touch

    Check the 4 steps to optimise the company’s processes

    April 26, 2017
    With time, the operational costs remain high and the quality of the products and services provided is not able to surpass the competition, so in order to avoid having that happening in your business, follow these 4 steps enlisted below. In order to assume the market’s leading position, first you need to optimise the company’s processes on a constant basis. This because, as the competition grows in size, only the most well-prepared are able to keep their activities running for years. Many can even blame the crisis or the competition itself, but as a matter of fact the companies are often the ones accountable for the situation! They prefer to stay immovable, they have ended up attaching themselves to ineffective processes and they weren’t able to cope with adversity. With time, the operational costs remain high and the quality of the products and services provided is not able to surpass the competition. That way, the road towards bankruptcy is a certainty. In order to avoid having that happening in your business, follow these 4 steps enlisted below. Identify the stages The optimisation’s first stage is all about finding out what kind of activities are part of a specific process inside your company. It’s worth remembering that the processes qualify themselves as continuous sequences made of facts or operations, which present a certain unity or are capable of reproducing themselves quite often in time. Furthermore, it’s important to identify if every procedure is actually able to produce a product that suits internal and external customers. Let’s talk about the purchase of a certain supply, for instance. Your steps are: Supply request, done by a collaborator or a team; Request analysis, carried out by the purchasing sector; Carrying out a pricing research and a budget gathering; Consolidation of comparative table of prices; Presentation of results for purposes related to purchase management; Purchase approval, fitting one of those budgets; Request’s negotiation and consummation; Request follow-up and supplier registration; Receiving and registering the delivered product. As you can see for yourself, this involves a set of sequential stages. The outcome is a product for an internal customer – the collaborator or the team that has requested the supply. Analyse the processes There are several ways to cope with the processes: you can consider that, beyond being expensive and ineffective, they attain more headaches than great results. With that, you decide that they must be deleted, inevitable; in another case, you identify poor processes, but you realise that there’s room for optimisation; it’s also possible to realise that some operations are adequate and effective, yet they can be optimised nonetheless. In that situation, it’s interesting to take measures to enhance them; there are also those ranked with a high level of price-performance ratio and efficiency. In that case, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. In order to know what sort of situations you’re going through, answer the following questions: What are the processes’ intermediate goals? What are the final goals? What are the results

    What our customers say about us:

    I was extremely satisfied with Alphacode’s service. From the initial contact, established through Skype, in which I was thoroughly heard and understood (we know that not every company acts this way in the first contact) to the job’s completion, everything was irreprehensible, totally meeting our needs and expectations. We have already included Alphacode in our list of digital service providers, holding its first place ranking. A fair price and a quick and efficient work. We at Ferreira/Crespin do recommend it.

    Fernando Crespin, FerreiraCrespin

    Alphacode is a strategic partner of Clube do Ingresso. They understand our business and deliver the most proper solutions by meeting the basic elements of price, deadline and quality. We don’t go for some other company when we need to develop and adjust our systems.

    Emerson Garcia , Clube do Ingresso

    Regarding our company, Alphacode took on the challenge to work and adjust an already existing system, created by other company. Besides surpassing the expectations deadline-wise, which was really short, they provided the necessary support in the final adjustments during the execution of our activities. A highly recommended company.

    Denilson Claro, Cotação BR

    Shall we talk? Dial our number: +1 (407) 545-6045