As an entrepreneur and small business owner, you should probably be thinking about how to make a business grow everyday right? However, keep in mind that even though we are indeed facing a period of uncertainty, you should not should “attach” yourself to this factor when it comes to your [...]
One of thе current buzzwоrdѕ bеіng flоаtеd оut of Sіlісоn Vаllеу is ‘Grоwth Hacking‘. Bу аррlуіng growth hacking рrіnсіраlѕ tо whоlеѕаlіng ѕtrаtеgу and mаrkеtіng еffоrtѕ іnvеѕtоrѕ can explode thеіr buѕіnеѕѕеѕ and see thеіr [...]
Investing in technology-based solutions is not breaking news anymore: this is now a current practice, seen as a matter of survival for the vast majority of business managers, regardless of the company’s size. Whether the goal is to develop an app, a website, a web store or a system [...]
A wide number of customers get in touch with our team, presenting their doubts about the mobile world, without actually knowing what solution represents a better fit for their business, and our answer is always the following: it depends. Yes, because, depending on the moment that your company is [...]
With time, the operational costs remain high and the quality of the products and services provided is not able to surpass the competition, so in order to avoid having that happening in your business, follow these 4 steps enlisted below. In order to assume the market’s leading position, first [...]
Information is the foundation success for any company. Those with accurate, trustworthy and timely information have a significant economic advantage over their competition. Thus, it is important to manage information with the same sort of care that you steer your most valuable assets, such [...]
O mundo em que vivemos e a forma como interagimos com tudo o que nos rodeia, mudaram drasticamente após o lançamento do primeiro Iphone, em 2007. De lá para cá, o uso dos dispositivos e das aplicações móveis e sua relevância no dia a dia das pessoas está mais [...]
It is no secret all that technology has evolved and changed the business market’s paradigm. Nowadays, the changes go from increasing the efficiency of daily operations to providing brand new and more advanced products based on digital tools. Historically, the small-sized entrepreneur believed [...]
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